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BIP44 mnemonics

18天前 182

BIP44 mnemonics are related to the BIP44 standard, but it is important to note that BIP44 itself does not directly define mnemonics, but rather defines how to use mnemonics (or more precisely, seeds derived from mnemonics) to generate a path to a hierarchical deterministic wallet. BIP44 is built on top of BIP39 and BIP32, where BIP39 defines the generation and recovery methods of mnemonics, and BIP32 defines the concept of a deterministic wallet.

BIP44 mnemonic overview

In the context of BIP44, a mnemonic code or mnemonic phrase is a set of words that is easy to remember and write, usually used to represent a randomly generated seed value. This seed value is then hashed (such as SHA256) to generate a private key, which in turn can generate a public key and address. BIP44 uses these mnemonics (or seeds) to generate keys and addresses for hierarchical deterministic wallets.

Features of BIP44 mnemonics

1. Easy to remember: mnemonics consist of a set of words that are easier to remember and store than the original private key (a string of random characters).
2. Security: Although mnemonics are easy to remember, they are still highly random and secure because they are generated from random seeds through complex algorithms.
3. Recoverability: If the private key is lost, as long as the mnemonics are still there, the private key and address can be recovered through the standards of BIP39 and BIP44.

Generation and use of BIP44 mnemonics

1. Generate mnemonics: Generate mnemonics using the BIP39 standard. This usually involves generating random bytes of a certain length from a random source (such as the operating system's random number generator), and then using these bytes as input to generate mnemonics.
2. Generate seeds from mnemonics: Convert the mnemonics to a seed value through the algorithm defined by BIP39.
3. Generate keys using BIP44 paths: Generate specific private keys, public keys, and addresses using seed values ​​according to the path structure defined by BIP44 (e.g. `m/44'/coin_type'/account'/change/address_index`).


Mnemonics must be kept safe, because anyone with them can access the cryptocurrency wallet associated with them.

Do not share mnemonics in unsafe places (e.g. email, social media, etc.).

It is best to print out the mnemonics and store them in a fireproof and waterproof place, or store them encrypted in multiple secure digital devices.

In short, BIP44 mnemonics are an important part of the BIP44 standard for generating hierarchical deterministic wallet keys and addresses. They simplify the management and use of cryptocurrency wallets by providing an easy-to-remember and easy-to-recover way.

Mnemonic generation tool

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