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BIP32 mnemonic to private key

25天前 154

BIP32 itself does not directly involve the conversion process of mnemonics to private keys, but defines the standard for hierarchical deterministic wallets (HD Wallets), which allows a series of child private keys and child public keys to be generated from a master private key (or seed). However, mnemonics are usually generated through the BIP39 standard and used to generate the seeds required by BIP32, and then derive private keys. The following is the general process of converting BIP39 mnemonics to private keys:

1. The process of generating seeds from mnemonics

The BIP39 specification converts mnemonics to seeds (seed) through the following steps:

1. Normalized encoding: First, the mnemonics and user-optional passphrases (also known as "salts") are normalized and encoded, usually using NFKD.
2. Using the PBKDF2 algorithm: Then, using the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) algorithm and the HMAC-SHA512 hash function, the normalized mnemonics and salts are calculated 2048 times to generate a 512-bit seed.

2. The process of generating a private key from a seed

The BIP32 standard uses the generated seed to derive the master private key:

1. Hash operation: Perform HMAC-SHA512 hash operation on the seed.

2. Split hash value: Divide the hash result into two parts. The left 256 bits are the master private key of BIP32 (the private key of m/0'/0'/0'), and the right 256 bits are usually the master chain code, which is used for subsequent child private key derivation.

3. Verify the correctness of the mnemonic

Although the BIP32 standard does not directly involve the verification of mnemonics, verifying whether the mnemonics are correct usually includes the following steps:

1. Dictionary check: Check whether the mnemonics entered by the user are all in the mnemonic dictionary.

2. Generate and verify the seed: Convert the mnemonic and salt to a seed through the BIP39 standard, and may use a specific verification mechanism (such as comparing the generated check digits) to confirm whether the seed is valid.


Mnemonics are highly sensitive and should be kept safe to avoid disclosure.
When restoring a wallet using mnemonics, make sure to use the same password (if any) as when you generated the mnemonics.
Both BIP32 and BIP39 are standards widely accepted and adopted by the Bitcoin and related cryptocurrency communities, providing secure, flexible, and scalable wallet management solutions.

In summary, the conversion from BIP39 mnemonics to BIP32 private keys involves multiple steps, including the conversion of mnemonics to seeds and the derivation from seeds to private keys. Together, these steps ensure the security and flexibility of cryptocurrency wallets.


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