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Notes on using BIP44 mnemonics

2月前 315

Notes on using BIP44 mnemonics

BIP44 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 44) is a widely adopted hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD Wallet) standard for Bitcoin and its derivative cryptocurrency wallets. It defines how to derive multiple private keys from a single mnemonic phrase while maintaining good security and flexibility. As the key to access these private keys, the security and correct management of the mnemonic phrase are crucial. The following are several aspects that require special attention when using BIP44 mnemonics:

1. Safe storage

Importance: The mnemonic phrase is the only credential for recovering the wallet and accessing encrypted assets. Once leaked, the assets will be at great risk.

Physical isolation: Print the mnemonic phrase on fireproof, waterproof, and electromagnetic interference-proof paper and store it in a safe place, such as a safe.

Multiple backups: Make multiple backup copies and store them in different safe locations to prevent the loss or damage of a single backup.

Encryption protection (optional): If you need to store the backup in an electronic device, you should encrypt it with a strong password and ensure that the password is also stored securely.

2. Correct transcription

Importance: Even a minor spelling error may result in an inability to restore your wallet.

Verify word by word: When copying the mnemonic, check it word by word to ensure that there are no omissions or errors.

Use official tools: Use the mnemonic verification function provided by the official or trusted wallet software to check the correctness of the transcription.

3. Avoid online backup

Importance: Networked devices are vulnerable to hacker attacks, so it is not recommended to store the mnemonic directly in the cloud or any networked storage device.

Offline storage: Give priority to offline storage methods, such as physical media or air-isolated electronic devices.

Avoid taking screenshots or photos: Taking screenshots or photos to store the mnemonic also poses the risk of being stolen by hackers.

4. Cross-verification

Importance: Verify the validity and accuracy of the mnemonic through different channels to reduce the possibility of errors.

Multi-device verification: Try to import the mnemonic on different devices or software to check whether the wallet can be successfully restored and the assets can be accessed.

Manual check: Cross-check the mnemonic with relatives, friends or trusted professionals to ensure that it is correct.

5. Record the import path

Importance: BIP44 allows multiple independent accounts to be generated through mnemonics and different derivation paths. Recording these paths is essential for managing and recovering specific accounts.

Detailed records: Make sure to record the import path of each important account so that it can be accurately restored when needed in the future.
Classification management: For accounts with different purposes (such as trading accounts, savings accounts, etc.), use different derivation paths and record them separately.

6. Understand wallet rules

Importance: Familiarity with the rules and restrictions of the wallet software or hardware used will help better manage and protect mnemonics.

Read the documents: Carefully read the official documentation and user guide of the wallet to understand the use of mnemonics and security tips.

Attend training: If possible, attend training courses organized by wallet providers or cryptocurrency communities to deepen your understanding of wallet rules and best practices.

7. Avoid modifying paths at will

Importance: Modifying the derivation path at will may result in inaccessibility of existing assets or creation of unexpected wallet addresses.

Be careful: Before modifying the derivation path, make sure you understand the impact and consult a professional if necessary.
Back up the old path: Before trying a new path, be sure to back up the original path information in case you need to restore the old account.

In short, BIP44 mnemonics are a core component of cryptocurrency wallet security. Following the above precautions can greatly improve the security of mnemonics and ensure the safety of encrypted assets.

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